A glimpse on when to extract & what to do after extraction?

Dental Extraction is a procedure where you remove a tooth that is damaged to a level that it cannot be treated by any dental treatment. This is a very simple procedure that can be relatively painless. There are two types of extraction of teeth: 

  1. SIMPLE EXTRACTION, where we extract teeth that are grown completely above the jawbone when it is severely decayed and infected. This is done after making the tooth numb and mostly won’t need any stitches. 
  1. SURGICAL EXTRACTION, where we extract tooth that has not yet erupted but is stuck inside the jawbone. Usually, wisdom teeth are extracted this way. In this the jawbone must be removed and then after extracting the tooth stitches must be placed for better healing. This procedure is also done once the tooth is numb and is also a simple chair side procedure. 

When should I get my tooth extracted?

Severe decay of your tooth that causes severe pain and infection.

Stages of tooth decay
  • The severe mobility of the tooth that the bone surrounding the tooth is no longer sufficient to hold the tooth firm.
  • Fractured tooth due to failure of root canal therapy
  • Any remaining root pieces after exfoliation of tooth
  • Retained Milk Teeth
  • For Alignment of misaligned teeth (Orthodontic Treatment)
  • Teeth that are embedded deep inside the bone (Impaction)
Misaligned teeth
Embedded teeth

What to do and not to do after extraction?


  • Bite the cotton for at least 30 minutes
  • Cold pack over the cheek next to the extraction site
  • Take adequate fluids to hydrate yourself
  • Get adequate rest


  • Do not take Carbonated Drinks or Alcohol
  • Do not smoke for at least a week which causes delayed healing of the extraction site
  • Do not take very hot, spicy, Hard and Sticky foods for at least 2 days after extraction
  • Do not spit saliva or gargle for 1 day after extraction which dislodges the clot that has been formed and causes severe pain later
  • Do not poke the extraction site with your tongue as you might feel the clot
  • Do not bite your cheek or tongue as it will be numb for about 2 hours which can later cause ulcer
Dr. Preethishri P

Dr. PREETHISRI P, a Dental Surgeon, graduated from MGPGI, Pondicherry which is one of the premium Government Dental colleges. She has experience in handling vast number of patients in all the fraternities of dentistry during her studies and she is looking forward to serve the dental needs of the community with dedication and love.

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